October 15th Garden Report

We harvested 854 pounds of produce as of last Saturday.

Potatoes and pumpkins were our top two producers with close to 130 pounds each.

We had a lot of squash with 83 pounds of summer squash,  82 pounds of butternut squash and 12 pounds of acorn squash.

We had 78 pounds of tomatoes and cherry tomatoes.

While it didn’t weigh a lot –  my absolute favorite was the basil –  we harvested 7 pounds of basil!

We grew 37 different types of produce in some quantity this year.

While it is not on the spreadsheet –  Carla’s chickens contributed dozens and dozens of fresh eggs from some of the happiest chickens I’ve ever had the pleasure to know…

You’d be very happy too if you woke up every morning knowing that you were going to have some fantastic interfaith garden vegetables to eat every day.

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One Response to October 15th Garden Report

  1. Valentin Bachtel says:

    A small vegetable garden in your own backyard can bring you many benefits. Not only will you realize the creative benefits of gardening, you will grow fresh produce for your family and the local food pantry. Gardening can be a family affair with your children acquiring gardening skills that can be passed on to their own children.

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