Garden Report – May 11th

Volunteers from Follen, First Parish, Lexington Methodist

Weather:  Overcast in the low 60’s

We were very lucky.  Despite a forecast of a 50% chance of rain and very gray skies, we did not have to don rain gear and hats.  In fact, for a brief period, the sun even broke through.

This was our last day convening at 9am.  The garden has harvest-ready produce and this morning all of us were hustling to get everything picked and over to the Pantry as soon as possible.  Next week the Saturday schedule moves to 8:30 and later in June it will move to 8 am.

Off to the Pantry

Off to the Pantry

Today it was all about the picking.

We harvested:

  • Asparagus (7 3/8 lb.)
  • Green leaf lettuce heads (2 3/8 lb.)
  • red leaf lettuce heads ( 1 7/8 lb)
  • Mint (1 ½ lb.)
  • green onions   (1 ½ lb)
  • Radishes (1/2 lb.)
  • chives   (.2 lb)

We also planted two rows of green beans and did some “gentle” weeding. There was a huddle about whether the potatoes needed some “hilling” but decided that they weren’t far enough along to require that….only concluding that after some internet research done on the spot on a smart phone since Carla wasn’t around to ask.  Potatoes are planted in a trench and as they grow, you push more dirt around the plant to keep the potato growth under soil.  That process of partial reburying of the potato plants is known as “hilling”.

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The neat trick with picking green onions is that once you pull the plant out of the dirt, you slip off the dirty papery covering (and it slips off pretty easily), and you are left with a very clean green onion ready to eat.


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Dirty knees in the asparagus bed

Pulling radishes and green onions

Pulling radishes and green onions

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