The harvest topped 130 lbs. We had an abundance of volunteers, just what was needed for an abundance of produce. We picked basket after basket of bok choy (65+ lbs.), as well as peas, beans, blueberries, zucchini, cucumbers, yellow squash, various kinds of lettuce, rhubarb, radishes, green peppers, swiss chard, leeks, purslane an
d various herbs (basil, cilantro, mint, thyme, tarragon, savory, dill and parsley). With so much to deliver this morning, today’s strategy was 2-fold…1) keep the weighed produce in the barn and out of the sun until there was enough to fill a garden cart; and 2) deliver the cart to the Lexington Food Pantry as soon as it was ready. Volunteers came this morning representing Hancock United Church of Christ, Sacred Heart, St. Brigid, the Arlington Ward of the Latter-Day Saints, as well as Lexington’s Chinese community. The weather…. well, I’m grateful we started at 8am since the day started warm (80 degrees) and kept on going. I think we wrapped up just as the heat index was climbing toward 95.
At the Garden – July with an Abundant Harvest
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