October 1st Garden Report

Pumpkins and Pilgrims on the way to the food pantry

Pumpkins and Pilgrims,  some might find that to be an unusual combination,  but not at the interfaith garden. We had the pleasure of having a few members of the Pilgrim Congregational high school youth group arrive at 8 AM to help out in the garden this Saturday. It takes something special to get high school students out of bed early on a gray Saturday morning.

They harvested basil,  parsley,  eggplant,  tomatoes,  cherry tomatoes,  swiss chard and kale. They fed the chickens the cherry tomatoes that didn’t make the cut. All told we were able to deliver 33 pounds of produce including a couple dozen eggs produced by Carla’s chickens.

Pilgrim youth group members

We didn’t have any broccoli this morning –  the bunnies got into the garden and ate them all the previous night. Carla had been protecting 6 plants for this harvest,  but somehow those pesky rabbits got past three layers of fence before we arrived.

One thing that didn’t go to the food pantry was this huge mushroom growing on one of Carla’s tree stumps. One of the gardeners claimed this variety of mushroom is edible…  no one wanted to give it a try –  not even the bunnies.

Edible? Mushroom growing near the garden

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