By Amy Swanson
Diane Rondeau, Keith West and I just came back from harvesting this fine Saturday morning. I know our partners from Temple Emmunah were there on Tues (and back again tomorrow) weeding and miracle-growing and keeping the garden in fine shape. And next week in Carla’s absence, Diane along with others from Lexington Catholic Community will be stopping in to water and see what else needs to get done. We are in good hands.
First: Here’s what one corner of the garden looks like! It’s hard to get a shot with everything in it. But if you knew what you were looking for, here are some of the vegetables you might be able to detect in this picture: potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks (?), basil and on the far right a few fronds from the corn patch. And this depicts only about ¼ to 1/3rd of the garden.

Garden on June 26th
Second: We delivered a little over 11 pounds of freshly cut produce this morning to the Lexington Food Pantry. Included: the last of the peas (tomorrow the plants get pulled and added to the compost pile); dill, basil, lettuce, leeks, zinnias, rhubarb (contributed from Diane’s garden) and radishes.

Harvest Produce - June 26
Third: What I learned:
You don’t handle bean plants if it is at all wet, since the plants don’t like being manhandled until they are completely dry. So no beans were picked since they were very moist from the dew.
The zucchini weren’t big enough to harvest but when they get to about 6″ to 8″ we would look to cut them WITH the flower since they look so artful. Having never seen zucchini except in the grocery store, I had no idea about the flower.
I also learned what asparagus looks like when you let it go to seed. Those “soldier-like spears” that first impressed me standing at attention have lost all sense of discipline and have grown 6 ft tall and grabbed a lot of garden space!

Asparagus gone to seed