Volunteers arriving at the garden
From: Amy Swanson

Planting and Watering Lettuce Seedlings
Another beautiful day (week) in the neighborhood. Mr. Rogers wasn’t there but we were. Here are some of what was accomplished on Tues and Thurs:
– planted lettuce seedlings
– planted broccoli and cabbage
– composted another bed by the back fence
– put down more paths
– put in a bunny fence (bunnies beware!)
– hoeing between the rows of new pea plants

Volunteers from Temple Isaiah and Grace Chapel
Each day Carla took us on a tour of the garden, serving to remind us how much can change in a short time frame, especially with last week’s warm weather. Already there is talk about what might be pick-able next week. We were challenged to find the asparagus spears. I thought they looked like soldiers standing at attention.
What I learned:
– Why putting paths in are so helpful. Not only do they nicely define the borders of the path, but they really are helpful in preventing the unobservant of us from trampling the seedlings by reminding us where not to step!
– How smart the head farmer is in planning ahead to optimize the life cycle of the garden. For example, lettuce seeds were planted in Week 1 (??) And lettuce seedlings were planted in Week 4. By the time the lettuce seedlings are fully grown and picked out, the lettuce seeds will have grown to the point of producing round 2 of salad greens.
– To prevent the cut worms from eating the broccoli and cabbage plants, you cut off the bottom of a paper cup and shove it below surface level and then plant the broccoli/cabbage in the cup in the dirt. The embedded cup provides a barrier to the cutworms confusing the dickens out of them.
Looking forward to Week 5 to see if the first produce is picked and also to see if those chickens are better behaved. Last Thurs, they kept making a beeline to the barn to play in the straw. Here are some other photos from week 4.

Hancock Volunteers

Preparing the soil

Hancock Volunteers

Interfaith Garden